About Us

Gadgetronicx is an educational website based on Electronics.The site was founded by Frank Donald in April 2012.188bet服务官网Gadgetronicx have helped over 1.7 Million readers till date with Circuits, Projects and Tutorials.Our website is viewed by more than 50k visitors per month.Also we have total Social media fan base of about 200k+ in Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest.


"Simplify, Educate, share knowledge about Electronics and cultivate sustainable practices through it"

Our main aim is to educate readers about Electronics and share knowledge we have acquired in more simplified manner.Our resources are very much simplified to suit all levels of readers and our contents are always delivered from a readers perspective.We don't believe in scratching the surface (what's the fun in that duh!) rather we try to explain the underlying principles with graphs, diagrams, calculations and what not!

We care about our environment so much.Also we strongly believe through Electronics we can bring resolution to many environmental crisis that our world facing today.Therefore we encourage and promote sustainability to our readers through careful design practices, Green electronics, E-waste awareness and so on.


Gadgetronicx was created with a simple goal in mind "to share knowledge".It was created by Frank Donald as a personal blog back in 2012 to share information about things he loved most – gadgets and Electronics.Being an Electronics student his love towards Electronics grew gradually and he turned Gadgetronicx into a website solely dedicated for Electronics.Fellow engineers, enthusiasts and hobbyists joined hands to share their knowledge with the community.Ever since then Gadgetronicx has published free educational resources for anyone who is interested in Electronics.

More about our website:

And few more things…..

And few more…

Join hands:

We are striving hard to bring best educational resources, you can help us to do better.188bet服务官网If you are an Electronics enthusiast and good at building projects or design circuits, kindly be a part of our community.  If you build a project or designed a circuit, document them with brief explanation about its working operation and submit it using the below form.


Queries and Advertising:

Feel free to Contact us for your queries and Advertising.You can reach us through " webmaster@gadgetronicx.com " or through"Contact Us"page.


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