
188bet服务官网DIY Electronics projects with circuit diagrams , designs and schematics.188bet服务官网Step by step illustration of building a electronic projects from scratch in brief

Logic probe with Frequency range indicator

For hobbyist's, engineers, and electronic enthusiasts, knowing the states of a logic circuit are important pieces of information.In addition, it is important to know what the frequency is of a pulse train.Is it in the audio, ultrasonic spectrum,…
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Digital code lock circuit without using Microcontroller

Password based locking mechanism is a very popular method for safety of our prized possessions.Now with the rapid growth of technology, our locking systems are also modernized.New, better and more functioning Digital code lock have taken the place…
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2 channel Audio Equalizer circuit

Equalization is a technique that is widely used in studios for sound productions and recording.Using Audio Equalizer we can control different frequency bands from an audio spectrum using linear filters.Simply put using equalizer you can adjust which frequency…
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DIY Walkie Talkie project

188bet服务官网RF projects are always special and I am confident that almost every engineer or enthusiast want to try building a RF project.金宝搏188beat网登录appBecause of this we have put together a guide for building a super cool Walkie Talkie project.Walkie…
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