
188bet服务官网Articles of Tutorials, DIY projects and coding of various microcontroller architechtures and family.Controllers such as 8051,PIC,AVR & ARM microcontrollers

ATtiny85 counter tutorial: counting events/signals using interrupts

Counters are essential peripheral in microcontrollers since it is used to count external events or internal / external clock pulses.Counters store the number of such events / pulses in registers for retrieval and processing.In ATtiny85 microcontroller, the counter…
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ATtiny85 timer tutorial: generating time delay using Interrupts

Timers are popular peripherals in microcontrollers.These timers are responsible for generating accurate time delays using Microcontroller.Also Timers can be used to work as a counters, PWM generation, Capture external signals and so on.Hence these timers are quite…
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