Explanation of basic electronics concept through graphical illustration and infographics.These explanation will be handy for electronics engineering students, educators, makers, hobbyists and others who is interested to learn basic electronics and understand the working of electronic components.
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- Darlington transistors consists of two similar transistors ( NPN – NPN or PNP – PNP ) connected together that can drive high current load than individual transistors
- Servo motor is nothing more than a DC motor which has position sensor and controller to provide feedback about its position and adjust its position according to the feedback
- Timers in MCU operates by counting the clock pulse powering the timer and time period for each increments can be calculated using the formula T = 1/ F
- Short circuit is a state in electronics when current flows through a no resistance path thereby allowing excess current to flow than rated current.This may result in sabotaging the voltage sources.
- Overvoltage damage occurs when voltage applied to a device is greater than rated voltage of the target device.
- Parallel communication uses multiple data lines which allows multiple data bits to be sent in a given instant.However Serial communication uses single data line where data bits are sent to receiver one after another.