Capacitor stores the energy in the form of magnetic field whereas inductor stores the energy in the form of magnetic field
Load cell is a sensor which produces voltage that increases with increase in load / force input
Hysteresis defines the voltage level where the output switches from one state to another state.Hysteresis will be useful in noisy circuits and keep the output stable.
Most commonly used Digital modulation techniques are PPM, PAM, PWM, PCM
In combinational circuits Output depends on current inputs and did not take past inputs into consideration.Whereas in Sequential circuits past and current inputs decides the output state.
Weak audio signal from microphone will be amplified by preamplifier for voltage amplification in voltage amplifier.Volume controls will allow user to adjust the voltage level based on required volume.Power amplifier will increase the signal strength to required level to drive the speaker
Encoder encodes the incoming data in a specified format that can only be decoded by matching decoder
Most used protocols in Embedded systems are I2C, SPI, UART, CAN, ETHERNET, RS-485, PCI, USB.
Encryption is defined as the method to encode a message using secret keys or patterns that can only be decrypted by decrypting device that has similar key to encrypting device.
Conversion of AC to DC signal starts with rectifying the AC signal to rectified signal followed by using a capacitor to obtain smooth DC output signal
Input resistance is the amount of resistance possessed by input channels to incoming input.The input resistance need to be high to reduce current consumption.The output resistance is the amount of resistance possessed by output channels to output signal.The output resistance need to be low to deliver high current to output device.
Benefits of Solar energy
Voltage source is characterized by delivering steady voltage with varying current as output.On the contrary current source delivers steady current with varying voltage to its output.