Frequency shift keying FSK modulator using IC 555


Frequency Shift Keying plays a great role in wide range of applications in the field of communication and was considered efficient one in data transmission of wireless modems.This above FSK modulator using IC 555 is capable of generating FSK signal with respect to the given input signal.The resistors Ra,Rb and C determines the frequency of the FSK modulated signal in the astable mode of operation.Also check out the matchingFSK Demodulator using IC 565circuit.Lets move into the working of this circuit.


The output frequency of the signal was based on the input digital signal given to the base of the transistor.When the given input was high that is of logic 1 the PNP transistor was Q is off and IC 555 timer works in the normal Astable mode of operation giving out the series of square wave pulses thus there will be no change in the frequency of the output signal.Here the resistors Ra, Rb and Capacitor C was selected in such a way to obtain output frequency of 1070Hz.The output frequency when the input was high was given by the equation

f= 1.45/(Ra + 2Rb)C

When the input binary data if logic 0, the PNP transistor is on and its connects the resistance Rc across resistance Ra.The resistors Rc is selected in such a way that the value of 1270Hz.Here the value of Rc added in addition to the Ra, Rb and C to contribute the working of the  NE555.This makes the charging and discharging quicker resulting in high frequency waves as output.The Ra, Rb, Rc and C values was selected in such a way to obtain output frequency of 1270 Hz.This was given by the equation

f=1.45/((Ra || Rc)+ 2Rb)C

Thus the resultant output FSK will give frequency of 1070Hz when input is high and frequency of 1270 when input is low.Thus by this way the FSK signal was obtained using NE555.


  1. deep naik

    if I use BC559 here will I get the output.

    If No then please suggest one transistor


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