How to Order your parts from LCSC

LCSC is our favourite online vendor when comes to Electronics parts.There are good reasons to have LCSC as our favorite.I have listedthe reasons why LCSC is one of the best among online component vendors.In this article we are going to dive deeper and see about how to make the best use of LCSC to order your parts and how to do it correctly.The web design of LCSC is pretty impressive.Products are categorized under different criteria helping out the user to find their desired component faster and easier.Let's see how LCSC makes your search for component better and easier.

Browse through their product categories:

First and foremost option is product categories.There are 31 categories of components listed in LCSC with clear indication of number of components grouped under each categories.If you wanna see sub categories under each of these categories you can scroll past this main categories and below that you can find the sub categories under each main categories.

For example under the Capacitor category you can find sub categories like Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors – Leaded / SMD , CBB Capacitors, Tantalum Capacitors and so on.This sub categories will make it even easier for us to find the specific type component from LCSC database and order from it without any hassle.

Browse through manufacturer brands:

Sometimes listing the products under their respective functions is just not enough.Many business as well as some individuals prefer buying components from specific brands.If you are one among those LCSC has got a sweet surprise awaiting for you.When you access the manufacturers option in LCSC it will return with the list of manufacturers of their hosted products.The manufacturers are listed alphabetical order and this makes it easier to search and find your favorite among 844 manufacturers.To make things even simple they have also listed Components based on their geographical location as well.Therefore search for parts gets even simpler.

Search via paramaters:

Let's get bit advanced shall we.Many times we meet with design constraints and it's important that we pick the components meeting the design requirements.And LCSC provides the tool where you have to choose your requirement like max voltage, regulated current, package and so on.After selecting your suitable design parameters LCSC will display components that fit within your design requirements and your job in searching is done just like that.This is extremely handy tool to have for circuit designers, businesses, hobbyists and many others.

After selecting your desired component place the order by completing the billing process and provide your address.Your components will be ready to ship within 4 hours from the time you make the order.

Hope this article would have been informative and explained the ease of use of .Have you tried LCSC yet, if yes let us know your feedback or experience in the comments box below.If you haven't tried it yet, do try it out, you won't be disappointed.

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