Image flip hover effect using CSS and HTML

Hai Folks here is another interesting image hover effects using simple HTML and CSS coding.I have posted several image hover effects in my blog and i hope it would have given you great use.This article is going to teach how to make a image Flip hover effect.



#toss{      position: relative!margin: 10px auto!width: 450px!height: 281px!z-index: 1!perspective: 1000!}  #rev{      width: 100%!height: 100%!transform-style: preserve-3d!transition: all 1.0s linear!}  #toss:hover #rev{        transform: rotateY(180deg)!}   .face {       position: absolute!width: 100%!height: 100%!backface-visibility: hidden!}   .face.back {       display: block!transform: rotateY(180deg)!box-sizing: border-box!}

The above CSS coding was written in a way to rotate the image in Y axis of 180 degrees so that the image can achieve a flipping effect when hovered.At the back end another image was used to display so that the image appears to be flipping when hovered.



The HTML part only needs to declare the id and classes inside the

tag.As you can see in the above code all you need to do is placing the image link inside the "src" and your effect will be ready now.

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