
188bet服务官网Articles of Tutorials, DIY projects and coding of various microcontroller architechtures and family.Controllers such as 8051,PIC,AVR & ARM microcontrollers

Learn ATtiny85 microcontroller in 10 days

ATtiny85 microcontroller gained a great popularity among Engineers and enthusiasts.This is largely due to its small size, tons of features and low cost.188bet服务官网ATtiny85 will be great fit for robotics, wearable and power based projects.As an initiative for…
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ATtiny85 I2C protocol tutorial

I2C or Inter Integrated circuit is another popular serial communication protocol built in almost every modern microcontrollers.This protocol uses full duplex communication and uses only two wires to exchange data.  ATtin85 microcontroller is equipped with Universal Serial interface aka…
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ATtiny85 SPI protocol – Master and Slave mode tutorial

Serial communication protocols provides the means to communicate for microcontrollers with external hardware, peripherals or other microcontrollers.USART, SPI, I2C are some of the popular serial communication protocols in embedded world.In order to facilitate serial communication in ATtiny85 microcontroller…
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ATtiny85 ADC tutorial with interrupts

188金宝搏下载 iosFollowing the series of ATtiny85 tutorials this article explains how to configure ADC in an ATtiny85 microcontroller.Analog to digital converter aka ADC is quite an important feature in microcontrollers where it will translate the Analog signals to digital data….
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