Door open alarm using IC 555

Most of us are held up with our busy life, be it at office or at home.Often due to our workload and carelessness we tend to forget to close the doors in our office or at home.This habit…
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Most of us are held up with our busy life, be it at office or at home.Often due to our workload and carelessness we tend to forget to close the doors in our office or at home.This habit…
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Power supplies are critical for most of the products/gadgets.If we didn't consider the power supply part while designing our circuit, it can sometimes lead to catastrophic failure and we don't want that.This is especially true when you are…
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Beat frequency indicators are used to indicate whenever frequency of a signal of our interest exceeds reference frequency.This is one such indicator circuit which uses LED's to indicate when our signal exceeds the reference frequency.These indicator circuits can…
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